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Care Facilities, an option amongst others (in-person)

This workshop series is specifically crafted for any caregiver contemplating the decision to provide permanent housing for a loved one or, alternatively, to undertake their home care. It delves into the emotional challenges associated with offering long-term housing or home care to someone with whom there is a significant emotional connection. Through this program, participants will gain from group discussions, acquire tools for making informed and autonomous decisions, and have the chance to interact with a specialist who will outline the process for accessing housing resources.

When : on demand and depending on the current program

Where : in-person

Who : Caregivers who are not bereaved

How : To enrol in this program, you must first have a brief telephone meeting with a counsellor

Next group : to be determined


The program is offered by Mélanie Montpetit, Stéphanie Ouellet or Valérie Hill, psychosocial counsellors

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